It sound ominous, right? What I need to be happy!
However, I shall not proceed to tell you about the big mansion, personal driver and chef I need to even so much get out of bed. Because I have neither nor do I want any of that.
Early on in my life, I had noticed that “routine” is something that gives me a lot of comfort and safety. Probably sound stupid and it might look like that I spend my life in one solid routine without any wiggle room for change, but that’s wrong. I have several routines each day and a set of routines to work through certain problems as well.
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Morning Routine
I’m an early bird, truly. I like the quietness the morning gives me and the fact I can see the day change in front of my eyes. From pitch black to a beautiful lilac sky, watching the sun come out and delight the world with its warmth is one of my greatest pleasures.
If I manage (which I haven’t lately) I would preferably do sports first thing in the morning, be it a run or a little workout I watch on YouTube – but preferably I’d like to run. From there its shower, makeup and getting dressed for the day and then breakfast. I don’t have a ton of time to prepare a breakfast buffet for myself so Porridge with fresh fruits is my desired option…. and coffee, I need loads of coffee.
Walking… a routine of its own
I practically walk everywhere I need to be/go. A car was never something I wanted to own; I grew up in a household without a car, so I don’t feel the need for a car anyways. If a distance is too much to tackle, there are busses going just about everywhere around here and if I truly need to, I will use a buss or a train.
So, as you see. I usually get in around 25.000 – 27.000 steps a day and it’s incredibly calming for my soul to walk around and take pictures, listen to audiobooks and taking in my surroundings. If you can afford the time, I highly recommend waking to work (or anywhere else for that matter)… but again, it’s not for everybody.
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
Work and Day Routine
I have an obsession. TO DO LISTS!!! So, my system is like so – I have one for each day and one for the week / month of things that need doing. I like the “ticking things off” aspect and it gives me a sense of accomplishment as well. My phone is my little assistant always with me having my lists right there for me to remind me of what needs doing. My workflow is incredible when I work off a To Do List. In case you haven’t tried it, you should – it has changed my whole life and I wouldn’t want to go without ever again.
Evening Routine
After a longish walk home, I do love either to eat (I have to eat my dinner before 5 pm otherwise I have tummy pains all night long) or make a quick stop to the grocery store in case there is something my kitchen is missing. I do my weekly grocery shop usually on Saturdays but even I can on occasion miss a thing or two. After I get home, I get all the things done that need doing and then I find the time to maybe read a book, watch a film or write a Blogpost.
I also have a deeply ingrained skincare/selfcare routine I follow daily. The bathroom is my sanctuary nothing can disturb me there, my phone is off, and I put on some Netflix or YouTube depending on my mood that evening. I shower, wash my hair and treat my skin with all the products it needs after a long day. This is my happy place, truly.
“Happiness is not something readymade – it comes from you own actions.”
Dalai Lama
The Anti-Routine Movement
Many great writers, artist and in general creative people will tell you that any form of routine is a death sentence for your (creative) life. However, with everything in life, I strongly believe that one size NEVER fits all. If you like to sleep in or enjoy what the day brings without having a structure to it and that works for you it’s also a routine in a way.
I can understand that the thought of a routine is something constricting and for many that can feel claustrophobic. We are all so very different and I wouldn’t want to force any kind of routine onto anyone who is happy with his life the way it is. I once fell into that category, but I couldn’t stick to it as it made me feel like I lost days, weeks even months as it felt like I got nothing of substance done.
No please bear in mind, you are not me and might function best the way you already do and that is perfect. But in case you are searching for a sense of structure or a desire to change something that give one of these things a try. Maybe getting up early is something that works for you or working off a to do list – either way, do and try what feels right for you. This is a big part of my “be happy” for every single day. Please share what you need to be happy every day.